Active Lifestyle

100% of Residents Say Televeda Improves Their Health

October 24, 2019

Televeda Analysis Report

Prepared by Tiffany Nguyen, Jennifer Lee, and Davis Park

Copyright of Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing September 2019

Executive Summary

The Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW), in partnership with Televeda, conducted a single Televeda Empowered Living Class at Front Porch CHM communities, Vista Tower (n = 12), and Pilgrim Tower (n = 15) on September 11, 2019. The sessions targeting Korean monolingual and deaf residents included the use of Eversound, an engagement amplifier system that allows residents with low hearing impairments the ability to participate through the use of wireless headphones. Televeda offers a workout experience for older adults that promotes physical activity, cognitive stimulation, and social participation. These classes can be offered in person, or broadcasted with a live instructor from a device.

The aims of this initial session were: 

• To promote resident engagement in physical activity and social participation through the use of a tele- wellness platform. 

• To evaluate the impact of Televeda’s Empowered Living Class on residents’ mood, physical health, cognition, social connectivity, and overall wellbeing 

• To assess residents’ receptivity to the offering of the Televeda Empowered Living class at their communities

The class was broadcasted with a live instructor over each community’s iN2L system. Based on pre- and post- session surveys, resident service coordinators and residents from both communities reported positive feedback regarding the class: 

• Reported overall improvements in mood (35.1%), physical health (37.5%), cognition (29.2%), social connectivity (13.6%), and overall wellbeing (26.2%). 

• Residents’ favorite component of the class were the brain games (76.2%), followed by music (19.5%), movement (14.3%), and friends (4.8%). 

• All of the residents agreed that Televeda would be beneficial to their overall health and wellbeing in the long term if practiced consistently. 

The positive results from this initial session demonstrate the potential of the Televeda Empowered Living Classes to improve engagement and wellbeing for older adult residents. FPCIW recommends continued testing with Televeda to schedule additional class sessions with CHM communities to demonstrate more sustained positive impact on older adult social engagement, physical activity, and wellness.

Residents playing brain games
FrontPorch residents engaged in group brain games

Session Findings

The Televeda Empowered Living Class provided residents at Vista Tower and Pilgrim Tower the opportunity to engage physically, mentally, and socially with their fellow residents. The physical exercises and cognitive games were appropriately challenging, and the activity coordinators from both communities shared that the residents expressed they really enjoyed the class. An important aspect of the class was that the instructor tailored the content to the interests of the residents, which in this case, included travel, Korean culture, and music, which made the experiences more personal and engaging.

Data Analysis

From pre to post, there was an overall improvement in self-rated mood (35.09% ), physical health (37.50% ↑), cognition (29.17% ↑), social connectivity (13.64% ↑), and overall wellbeing (26.19% ↑). Residents’ favorite component of the class were the cognitive “brain games” (76.19%), followed by music (19.05%), movement (14.29%), and friends (4.76%). After the class, two of the residents at Pilgrim Tower shared that their favorite part of the session were the cognitive games, and that having Televeda sessions 1 to 2 times a month would be a good idea, due to “the importance of maintaining brain health at their age”. All of the residents agreed in their post-surveys that Televeda would be beneficial to their overall health and wellbeing in the long term if practiced consistently.

This is a concise version of the study. To read the full report, please email [email protected].


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