Foundation for Senior Living providing caregivers respite with televëda

May 19, 2020

Foundation for Senior Living (FSL), a private non-profit, provides housing and social services to elders and individuals with disabilities and has created an integrated system of care that allows adults to age in place through a continuum of home and community-based health services. FSL has teamed up with televëda to provide free virtual classes to fight social isolation among seniors and vulnerable residents while the Arizona Stay-At-Home order is in effect, thanks to funding from Phoenix Suns Charities.

“We know it’s important for adults with disabilities and seniors to keep moving during the pandemic,” said Tom Egan, president and CEO of FSL. “We’re very excited about the opportunity to work with televëda to bring virtual classes to our clients. We know many of our clients are struggling with social isolation and miss their regular visits to our Adult Day Health Centers. This is an interactive way for them to re-engage with our staff, participate in something meaningful, and stay active.”

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