televëda wins Aging2.0 innovation award

September 27, 2019

Televeda was invited to showcase at the Aging2.0 Global Innovation Showcase in Whistler, BC and won the pitch competition. The showcase was a collaboration between British Columbia Senior Living Association (BCSLA) and Aging2.0 and had over 350 attendees.

Aging2.0 is a leading group for technology and other firms in the senior living space. It hosts the Global Innovation Showcases across 6 continents and Televeda won one of them. This has enabled the startup to now expand into Canada.

There were 6 companies shortlisted for the innovation pitch which ranged from AI monitoring solutions, portable mobility scooters and motion sensor firms.

Featured Startups at Aging2.0 Innovation Showcase at Whistler, BC.

You can read more here: Aging2.0

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